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One Health Institute


News list

  • Building Bridges for a Healthier Planet: Key Insights from the Trialogue Days

  • Thomas Van Boeckel on One Health, his research and his vision for the One Health Institute

  • Thomas Van Boeckel first professor to start at the OHI

  • UZH Hosts Una Europa General Assembly 2024

    UZH has welcomed 300 delegates to Zurich for the three-day Una Europa General Assembly. Centered on the theme “One Earth, One Future”, this gathering highlighted a commitment to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration among universities and other partners. Una Europa is an alliance of 11 European research-intensive universities, including UZH

  • “Una Europa acts as a catalyst for interdisciplinarity”

    UZH hosted the General Assembly of the Una Europa European university alliance for the first time last week. Vice President Elisabeth Stark looks back at the event and emphasizes the boost given to One Health.

  • Sirup FM - One Health Juliette Ruf (guests: Dr. Anou Dreyfus, Prof. Frank Rühli)

    What’s the One Health concept? How does preserving the environment help to prevent the next pandemic from happening? Does the bird flu have the potential to create a new pandemic?...
    Here are some of the questions I will answer with my guests Dr. Anou Dreyfus and Prof. Dr. Frank Rühli from the University of Zurich.

  • Europe Visits UZH

    From 19 to 21 June, the University of Zurich (UZH) will become the heart of the Una Europa European university alliance. More than 250 participants from around Europe will come together for the Una Europa General Assembly, on the theme of One Earth, One Future. The aim is to break down barriers and to build a shared University of the Future.

  • Faces of our CommUNAty: "The alliance is like an organism. In which direction will we evolve?"

    For the upcoming Una Europa General Assembly in Zürich, One Health is stepping into the spotlight, inviting delegates to bring their diverse perspectives and expertise to enrich this interdisciplinary subject area.

    As our community prepares to travel to Switzerland, we speak to Adrian Hehl and Laura Tüshaus-Rudin, some of the voices behind the programme’s One Health focus, to understand what One Health means in an Una Europa context, how everyone can get involved, and what delegates can look forward to from the General Assembly.

  • Deutschlandfunk Sprechstunde: Tiermedizin – Krankheiten bei Hund und Katze

    Prof. Thomas Lutz unterhält sich mit Lennart Pyritz im Rahmen der Sendung "Sprechstunde" des Deutschlandfunk darüber, wie die Human- und Veterinärmedizin besser zusammen arbeiten können und was das One Health Institute der Universität Zürich damit zu tun hat.

  • Serie One Health: Europas erstes Institut in Zürich

    Bei One Health (deutsch: Eine Gesundheit) handelt es sich nicht einfach um ein Schlagwort, sondern um einen Ansatz, der die Gesundheit der Menschen, der Tiere und der Umwelt als Gesamtsystem betrachtet. Obwohl One Health seit den 1970er-Jahren existiert, wurde das erste universitäre One Health Institute Europas erst vor Kurzem gegründet – und zwar in Zürich.

  • Una Europa Boosts European Cooperation

    Una Europa is a unique alliance of 11 European research universities, including UZH. We asked Vice President Gabriele Siegert about how joining the alliance in 2022 has benefited research at UZH and its international outlook.

  • Menschen, Tiere und unser aller Gesundheit

    Zoonosen wie Tollwut sind Infektionskrankheiten, die zwischen Säugetieren wie bspw. Hunden und Menschen übertragen werden.

  • Neues Institut an der Uni Zürich: Gesunde Umwelt, gesundes Tier, gesunder Mensch

    Der One-Health-Ansatz bringt Human-, Veterinärmedizin und Umweltwissenschaften zusammen, um bessere Resultate für die öffentliche Gesundheit zu erzielen. Der Schwerpunkt des neuen Zürcher Instituts sind vor allem Zoonosen.

  • Focus on One Health

    The establishment of the One Health Institute at UZH is well under way. An inaugural symposium will be held on 21 September, focusing on the two key research areas, epidemiology and evolution.

  • UZH the First European University to Establish One Health Institute

    Researchers from veterinary medicine, human medicine and the natural sciences have joined forces to establish Europe’s first university-based One Health Institute at UZH. Together, they want to explore the links between human, animal and environmental health.

  • Boost for One Health and Quantitative Legal Research

    With its new funding instrument, TRANSFORM, UZH is laying the groundwork for innovation across the whole university. The Institute of One Health Research and the Center for Legal Data Science are set to receive seed funding of around CHF 2.7 million in total over the next four years.

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