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One Health Institute

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    © Trialogue Days


Our institute offers different educational formats (see below). We also host project and PhD students, and more. All open positions are posted here.


BIO 403

© Thom Van Boeckel

Superbugs - The Global Crisis of Antimicrobial Resistance in Humans, Animals, and the Environment

This class aims to spotlight the rise of superbugs—bacteria resistant to antibiotics—that are a growing threat to human health, animal health, and the environment. We will explore the medical, ecological, and economic reasons behind the rise of superbugs and present potential solutions to reduce the impact of AMR worldwide. The course takes a multidisciplinary (“One Health”) approach to this emerging health threat and will present medical case studies, as well as large-scale ecological and policy analyses on AMR, with a strong focus on the animal-human interface. If you want to learn about a silent pandemic that makes more victims than HIV and malaria combined, this course is for you.

Prerequisites for participation

Basic studies in Biology, Biomedicine or Biodiversity completed

Link to BIO403 in the course catalogue

Weiterführende Informationen

UZH Course Catalogue

Online Learning and Training (OLAT)