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One Health Institute

  • © Stefan Sommer / ETH Zürich, SNSF Scientific Image Competition


One Health requires collaboration - across disciplines, institutions, and borders. This is why the OHI is actively involved in multiple networks. Through our partner institutes and affiliated partners, we are closely connected with researchers worldwide, fostering interdisciplinary exchange.

This strong network allows us to approach One Health challenges from a holistic perspective and develop innovative viewpoints. Together with our partners, we contribute to advancing One Health knowledge and education.


To fully embrace the diverse spectrum of One Health research, the institute collaborates with affiliated partners who contribute their expertise while remaining at their home institutes and join the One Health Institute in addition.

Discover our affiliated partners here, a selection of specific One Health projects here.

In some cases, entire institutes choose to join forces with the One Health Institute, further strengthening our collaborative network. These partner institutes are highlighted here.

Una Europa

Una Europa is one of Europe's most influencial university alliances. The University of Zurich is one of 11 member universities. The alliance has several focus areas , one of them is One Health.

More information about the Una Europa alliance, activities and related news can be foundhere.

Partner Institutions

We are inviting interested partner institutions to join the OHI! Please contact the Coordination Office for further information.