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One Health Institute


Founded jointly by the Vetsuisse Faculty, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science, the One Health Institute (OHI) has been established as a new institute at the University of Zurich in May 2023.  

In 2019, the UZH designated One Health as one of its strategic research foci. A multi-year start-up funding, the TRANSFORM funding line, allowed launching of the OHI initiative now set to fill this strategic focus with life, and to grow thematically, eventually including more faculties within the next few years.  

We understand One Health as a transdisciplinary, holistic view on human and animal health in the context of entire ecosystems encompassing a broad range of disciplines.

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Una Europa MOOC "AI in Society" with Module "AI and One Health"

The Una Europa MOOC “AI in Society” teaches how AI technology functions within its societal context: how AI changes society and social practices, how it is used in institutional settings, and what kind of societal level promises and challenges this technology poses.

“AI and One Health” will be the fourth elective module of the AI in Society MOOC (the other three discussing Discrimination, Justice, and Democracy). The module will familiarize the learner with the concept of One Health and then discuss how AI can be applied to work with the key domains of One Health, including, for example, the study of socio-ecological systems, emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, food safety, global health and eHealth, and the related social and ethical questions.

More information about the course

Innovate and Combat Antimicrobial Resistance

This networking event is designed to foster collaboration and innovation in the battle against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and will take place March 5th, 2024 13:0015:00 at the Lichthof of the Kollegiengebäude der Universität, Rämistrasse 71, KOL.

More information

Background image: @Vetuisse Faculty, UZH / Michelle Aimée Oesch

Una Europa One Health Summer School

The Summer School takes place on June 24–28, 2024 at Lammi Biological Research station. Join us on this journey and contribute to the future of One Health! Apply now and take your doctoral journey to new heights. Deadline for applications: March 24, 2024.

Interested? Head to the Una Europa website for full details: Una Europa One Health Summer School 2024 for doctoral researchers

Learn more about Una Europa here